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CODA - a Tribute to Led Zeppelin

CODA - a Tribute to Led Zeppelin
CODA - a Tribute to Led Zeppelin

CODA - a Tribute to Led Zeppelin are a group of musicians dedicated to recreating the music of the best rock band ever, Led Zeppelin!

Adam Rose-Alison as Jimmy Page:
Adam is a Jimmy Page fanatic and has spent countless hours studying every note, lick and riff that Jimmy played. He has an extensive knowledge of live recordings and has even built his own guitars and speakers to help him recreate Jimmy's early live sound.

Simon Wicker as John Bonham:
Simon has been studying the playing of John Bonham ever since he was given a copy of Led Zeppelin II at the age of 17. Since then he has never looked back and has already played Bonzo in a professional, internationally touring Led Zeppelin tribute show for four years.

Peter Byrne as Robert Plant:
Peter is a superb vocalist and musician, as well as being a very funny, and sometimes surreal, guy! He blew us away when he tried out for the band, he has the vocal range and versatility needed to recreate Robert's voice in all its many guises, from full on screaming blues rock to soft acoustic ramblings.

Rob Deery as John Paul Jones:
Rob started his musical life as a guitarist, but has been playing bass guitar for many years. Since joining CODA he has learned to play the keyboards and mandolin, taking to the role of John Paul Jones with ease.

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